1.In end of his last article, he said "Do not sing song of praise for King, but say truth for people" .
2.He did not ask me to tears, but struggling to sing-song, sing the song are some of verve.
3.In Shanghai, the demise of the sing-song vernacular has led to calls for a rethink of China's monolithic language policies.
4.During the holiday period, clever layout of a new shelf, after dinner, the girls get together to light candles, sing-song Rafah clever.
5.If your voice goes up at the end of each sentence, your tone exhibits a sing-song characteristic.
6.These special features include a lilt or "sing-song" sound to the language, and plenty of local slang.
7."It's bye-bye to you, Gabe, in the morning, " Father had said, in his sweet, sing-song voice.
8.He put on red baggy, wear white cap, sing song out of the forest, and came to the highway.
9.Perhaps the compromise should be some "formal" review mixed with less formal sing-song and role play?
10."Sing-song" theory: theory that language originated from primitive ritual songs of praise.